Inspired by Pierre Voisin, I decided to keep to a limited colour palette and create a few pieces in his minimalistic style along with my own shapes and designs, contrasting my architectural drawings greatly. When I was initially mind-mapping the brief  ‘Human Imprint’, I created a concept that referred to how a lack of a human’s imprint on a person can cause that person to become lonely. In my minimalistic designs, I wanted to try to capture that concept in a less figurative way.

When I was initially mind-mapping the brief  ‘Human Imprint’, I created a concept that referred to how a lack of a human’s imprint on a person can cause that person to become lonely. In my minimalistic designs, I wanted to try to capture that concept in a less figurative way.

In my first experiments using this new concept, I created graphic, minimalistic hand prints using the same colour palette as Voisin. As I was not sure whether black on white or white on black would be more effective, I decided to try both in two separate pieces. As Voisin uses a lot of contrasting lines in his work, I chose to replicate that but by using a dotted line instead to create a feeling of fragmentation and almost a disconnection within a connection.

I believe that these pieces worked really well, especially when displayed together as their direct contrast shows through. I think my attempt to portray loneliness was quite effective as you can see that although all of the hands are connected, the line is fragmented, representing a fragile bond between them.

In my next set of experiments, I wanted to be even more minimal in my approach by only using one hand shape per piece instead of four. As creating two directly contrasting paintings worked extremely well in my last experiment, I decided to do the same in this experiment to see if it as effective in this new form.

As singular hands, I feel as if they are just as effective as my previous pieces. Inspired by Voisin, I have used the same fragmented line from my initial experiments and positioned it in the hands instead of outside. This represents the loneliness we feel within ourselves how our fragmented relationship with our own being.

Overall, I think that my experimentation with minimalism and a limited colour palette worked really well and the inspiration took from Pierre Voisin worked in favour of my pieces. I will continue with this design I have created to make some new and exciting variations of it.


View my Minimalistic Hand Experiments here.


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